Jack's bio...

Age: 30+
Pronouns: he + they (use both)

I'm Jack, a medical conundrum in the American Midwest. I exist mainly as a thought experiment designed to comment on the counterintuitive nature of quantum superpositions. I'm very uncool and I like folklore and Pokemon.

I am...

White: Please disrespect me. Native to Ohio, in the United States.

Transgender: I'm genderfluid and bigender, my two genders are male and neutrois, which I experience as an extant gender which is neutral. Most people in my system (see below) have different genders and pronouns than me, but you don't generally need to know these unless we are open about plurality with you.

Gay: You can use whatever reclaimed words on me, I won't care. I am primarily attracted to men with some attraction to nb people.

Disabled: Chronic pain plagues me, my white blood cells are raging against the machine, and the machine is my body. Crohns, arthritis, fibro, anemia, sleep disorder, and more, some still undiagnosed.

Neurodivergent: AuDHD and proud, if confused. Hardcore Cluster B. Member of the dark triad. I experience psychosis. Ask if you want specifics. I have empathy and social issues, please let me know if I've said something weird.

Plural: Host of a system of about 30 members, give or take. If we've ever interacted you've probably already spoken to someone besides me. We have a high proportion of fictives, we're pretty sure because of the autism, but who's to say. We stand in solidarity with endogenic members of the community.

Don't bother following if you're...

  • proshipper, truscum, radfem, nomap, terf, swerf, anti-endo, zoophile, pro-para

  • any kind of xenogender/neopronoun hate, distrust any mental illness categorically, use lack of empathy as an insult, use the word psycho/psychotic/sociopath/psychopath as an insult, use the word crippled/crippling without being disabled. If you're still unlearning that's fine, I get it

  • scorn others for basically any reason that isn't harming others (people listed above I refuse to believe your actions aren't harming others so bye losers) I'm just not after the negativity at this point in my life tbh

  • I sometimes use the word freak or creep to refer to the above sorts of people, if that disturbs you you may be more comfortable not following

I understand not picking up on the intricacies of a situation, so if you're honest about your intentions and any lack of confidence or understanding of an interaction I will always do my best to treat the situation with respect and care, and explain things as transparently as possible.
I can sometimes get paranoid and believe people hate me or are out to get me. I do my best not to let these thoughts color my interactions and I'm usually successful. I also suffer from a lack of natural empathy. Usually this doesn't matter, but if you find something I've said inappropriate, please gently let me know. I probably don't realize I'm doing it.
If you ever have any sort of trouble with me for ANY reason, I have a safe word you can use. This safe word is tangerine, or the 🍊 emoji. Seeing this word outside of added context will stop me in my tracks and communicate to me: you are not comfortable, there is a chance I have done something wrong, but most importantly something about the current situation is not okay and needs to change. No one has ever needed to use this, but I find it comforting to keep around just so I can be absolutely sure.


This is my ugly shitty kin list. For a nice one click here: jackrabbit.carrd.co


Triple Seven the Jackalope

Triple Seven (Trip or Sev) is an unemployed idiot who lives in an apartment. He won the lottery in high school and through a series of overly-complicated time travel related events now he has infinite money.His favorite foods are pumpkin spice lattes, fish, cured meats, and anything sugary or sweet. He usually wears casual grunge/punk clothing, especially without sleeves, and can wear 1-4 sets of ear piercings or a similar number of asymmetrical piercings. He also likes 80's and 50's style clothing. Sev is always wearing clothing.

Art from @1997jaguar

The closest thing he has to a job is being famous on instagram for his fashion lifestyle posts and aesthetic side account. He has a modest but loyal following who appreciate him for his approachable yet fantastical style and down-to earth kindness. Everyone likes him and that's final and I'm not accepting any criticism.His hobbies include being way too into deep lore in obscure retro video games, modding things, various creative pursuits, free indie horror movies and games (Marble Hornets, Yume Nikki, OFF), buying new incense, going to art galleries and experiencing emotional awakenings from the art, smelling things, and making hyperspecific curated playlists with huge followings.He is disabled (muscle and joint problems, decreased stamina, faints easily) and has a service animal that is a donkey named Angus that carries his stuff for him and calms him down. Sev sometimes hallucinates Angus speaking to him and secretly considers him a confidant.Sev has psychosis and ADHD and is autistic. He becomes nonverbal easily and suffers from paranoia and panic attacks. His special interests are video game deep lore and creepypasta, urban legends (from both a social perspective and a cryptozoologist perspective) and different varieties of soup (from a culinary perspective and a social perspective).He identifies as gay and nonbinary (boy) and gets crushes far too easily. The reference below is 100% accurate -- Sev has no primary or secondary sex characteristics whatsoever.

Art from @CherrySnakeCat